Use the below link to view the All-State Program
2024-2025 All-State Program Link
Recognition Awards:
Department and National Certificates of Recognition: These certificates are awarded to VFW and Auxiliary members who deserve recognition from the Department of Hawaii for their notable achievements. This includes Committee Chairpersons and exceptional volunteers who have met or exceeded their goals. Recommendations for these awards can be made by Program Committee Chairs, Post Commanders, or Department Leadership. The deadline for submitting nominations is March 15, 2025.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. All award criteria must be fulfilled by the Department's specified deadline as outlined in this membership plan.
2. Membership numbers must be visible on the National website (memstats) by the Department's contest deadline.
Note: To ensure accurate credit, please include your name and VFW ID/member number on all Membership Application Forms for every new member you recruit.
VFW Member of the Year:
This award honors a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars who has exemplified our organization by serving the needs of their Post and community, and who has professionally addressed the Pillars of our Organization. Post Leaders are encouraged to nominate a member who is leading by example and supporting one or more objectives of our Congressional Charter. The recipient must be a member in good standing for at least one full year and must have completed the required activities during that time. The award is not available to the Commander, Adjutant, Quartermaster, Service Officer, or Chaplain, nor to Past Department Commanders or Past National Council members. The deadline for this award is March 31, 2025.
Recruiting Awards:
Top Recruiter Award: The member who achieves the highest combined total of new, reinstated, and Life members recruited within the Department will receive a plaque or other recognition determined by the State Commander and State Membership team. To qualify, Top Recruiters must recruit at least 30 new or reinstated members, including a minimum of 15 new members.
Fast Start Recruiter Award: Members who recruit 10 new members by December 31, 2024, will receive a $100.00 award.
Department Recruiting Team Shirt: Members who recruit 4 new members on Oahu or 3 new members on American Samoa, Kauai, Maui, Molokai, or Hawaii by June 1, 2025, will receive a Department Recruiting Team shirt.
State Convention Meals: Members who recruit 10 new or reinstated members by June 1, 2025, will receive $75.00 toward the Department Convention meal package, provided at least 3 of the recruits are new members.
Members who recruit 20 new or reinstated members by June 1, 2025, will receive $150.00 toward the Department Convention meal package, provided at least 6 of the recruits are new members.
Members who recruit 30 or more new or reinstated members by June 1, 2025, will receive a complimentary Department Convention meal package, provided at least 10 of the recruits are new members. No cash alternative will be awarded.
National Convention Recruiting Award:
The award includes one round-trip air ticket, a hotel room, and $500 for expenses to attend the VFW National Convention in Columbus, Ohio, from August 9 – 14, 2025. For each new or reinstated member recruited, your name will be entered into a drawing. The deadline for this award is June 14, 2025, with the drawing taking place during the Aloha Banquet Night at the State Convention. The award may be transferred to a deserving Post member. No cash alternative will be provided.
Membership/Recruiting/Donation Guidance:
This program is designed to acknowledge and reward your efforts in enhancing membership within the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
When recruiting at any Department-organized event or location, all donations should be forwarded to the Department Quartermaster (QM). These donations will support the Department Outreach Programs or be allocated as directed by the Department Commander. For individual Post recruiting activities, all donations collected will remain with the Post, and the Post QM will report the total to the Post membership. If donations are received from Buddy Poppy distributions, they must be deposited into the Post Relief Fund and used exclusively for the purposes outlined in the National Bylaws.
1. Achieve a membership goal of 102% or higher, in line with the National VFW target for the Post.
2. Add at least 2 new Life Members.
3. Increase Legacy Life membership, either by upgrading existing members to a higher level or recruiting new Legacy Life members.
4. Recruit 5 new members.
5. Organize and conduct a minimum of two Membership Recruiting events.
Department Commander’s Incentives:
The Department Commander will announce additional incentives throughout the year to help achieve our membership goals.
Any changes to these incentives will be communicated to the COA by the Department Commander, who also reserves the right to adjust the requirements as needed.
All-State Program Requirements:
1. All-State Commanders (4): Points
a. Achieve 100% Post Membership by December 31, 2024, including at least (3) new members. — 500 points
b. Achieve 100% Post Membership by May 13, 2025, including at least (5) new members. — 300 points*
c. Increase Legacy Life Membership by May 13, 2025. — 500 points*
d. Commander’s Project: Increase National Home Life Membership by 3 members. — 500 points
e. Commander’s Project: Conduct a fundraiser for the Hawaii House. — 500 points
f. Host 2 membership events (250 points per event, up to 500 points). — 500 points*
g. Submit a VFW Member of the Year nominee by March 31, 2025. — 500 points
h. Submit a Post Activity Report quarterly (125 points per quarter). — 500 points Note: Reports of monthly post meeting minutes, post activities such as legislative contacts, youth programs, national cemeteries, recruiting events, charitable contributions, veteran suicide awareness, stand downs, ceremonies, fundraisers, and their intended use.
i. Sponsor a Day of Service Program in May 2025. — 500 points Note: The VFW Day of Service begins on the first Saturday of May 2025 and includes community service projects throughout the month. Events must address community needs and be open to fellow veterans. Events solely raising monetary donations do not qualify.
2. Community Service: Points
a. Report on the Programs Dashboard quarterly. — 50 points per quarter
(July-Sept, Oct-Dec, Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun) — 200 points*
b. Achieve at least a 10% increase in Community Service Total Impact. — 750 points
3.Programs: (Post Participation by January 31, 2025) Points
a. Voice of Democracy 500 points*
b. Patriots Pen. 500 points*
c. National Citizenship Education – Teacher Award: Submit (1)
Level Elementary/Middle/High School entry to the Department. — 500 points*
d. Submit one (1) entry for EMT, Firefighter, Lifeguard, or Police Officer of the Year by March 31, 2025. 500 points
e. Purchase a minimum of 500 Buddy Poppies. — 500 points*
f. Adopt at least one Military, Scouting, or Youth Military Unit. — 500 points
g. Social Media - Create or maintain a website or Facebook page. — 500 points
4. Donations: (All donations must be made through the Department, except VMS) Points
a. Department Outreach ($50.00 minimum). — 500 points
b. Veterans & Military Support ($125.00 minimum, reported on Programs Dashboard). — 500 points*
c. National Home for Children ($200.00 minimum, designated for Hawaii House). — 500 points*
d. Annual Department Fundraiser – Four books of 3 by Post ($100.00). — 500 points
e. National/Department Conventions ($100 minimum). — 500 points
f. Disasters – National and/or Hawaii ($100 minimum). — 500 points
5.All-State Quartermasters(4): Points
a. Submit bond form completed and paid to Department HQs by September 1, 2024. — 500 points*
b. Submit bond form received at Dept. HQs after September 1, 2024. — 50 points*
c. Admission Fee: Paid to Department. — 300 points*
d. Proof of Federal Income Tax filed: Submitted to Department. — 500 points*
e. Proof of DCCA license registration: Submitted to Department. — 500 points*
f. Post should be in good standing with bylaws, audits, trustee reports, etc. — 500 points*
g. Quarterly Audit: Submitted to Department within 30 days after the quarter ends. — 1,000 points
per quarter*
h. Audit Report submitted 45 days or more after the quarter ends
(June 30, Sept 30, Dec 31, March 31). — 50 points per quarter
*Denotes requirements for All-State eligibility.
6. All-State Recognition: The top (4) Commanders and (4) Quartermasters will receive a cap, pin, or an appropriate award. Posts not eligible for All-State Awards will be considered for other Departmental Awards based on their total score, evaluated by the Department Leadership. Posts must achieve over 100% membership, be in good standing, and submit entries for the Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pen, and Teacher Award programs. All-State considerations will be evaluated based on the overall performance of the Post for the membership year 2024-2025. The cutoff date for All-State Award consideration is May 13, 2025. Posts in arrears are not eligible for All-State recognition.
ALL-AMERICAN PROGRAM REQUIREMENT OVERVIEW: The All-American Program is designed to promote excellence in membership beyond standard expectations. It is not intended to recognize Posts, Districts, or Departments that meet only the minimum requirements; instead, it highlights the elite – the best of the best. For detailed guidelines, refer to the All-American Program booklet available on the website.
a. Posts meeting these requirements will be recognized as All-American Posts and will receive an All-American Banner, a Post Streamer, and acknowledgment in the VFW Magazine.
b. The top (15) Posts in each membership division will be honored at the National Convention, receiving an All-American Post Citation, All-American Commander’s Citation, All-American Name Badge (commander), All-American Cap (commander), and an All-American lapel pin (commander).
c. Commanders not in the top 15, along with Quartermasters, Adjutants, and Post Members of All-American Posts, may purchase All-American caps from the VFW Store.
d. The top five Post Commanders in each division will also receive five nights of hotel accommodation at the National Convention.
Additional Notes:
a. Acknowledgement during the All-American Awards Ceremony at the National Convention
b. All-American Department Streamer
c. All-American Department citation – commander
d. All-American name badge – commander
e. All-American cap – commander – (quartermaster and adjutant may purchase cap).
f. All-American lapel pin – commander - (quartermaster and adjutant may purchase pin).
g. Five nights paid hotel stay* for the 2024-2025 Commander attending the VFW National Convention.
h. Reserve seating at the VFW National Convention Joint Session
For further clarification, please reach out to the Membership Committee, State Adjutant, or State Commander.
Official: Approved by:
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George Barlett Benedict L. Fuata
State Adjutant State Commander