Reaching into our community is vital to our organization for developing relationships with community leaders, media, school faculty, and local civic groups. These relationships can greatly assist each Post in achieving the VFW mission. Each Post is expected to engage in and report Community Service projects. All projects will be reported using the Department Activity Reporting form band on the National All-American Dashboard.
Post Special Project Award
If your Post conducted a special project that you think should be recognized by VFW National Headquarters, we would like to hear from you. To be considered, your entry must include the following:
1. ENTRY FORM, signed by the Department Community Service Chair and the Department Adjutant. This form MUST be the first page in your 3-ring binder. It is imperative that the form be completed accurately and legibly.
2. Copy of the Minutes of the VFW a meeting at which the project was authorized.
3. Signed statement from the Post Commander summarizing the impact of the project.
4. Photos (limit 20) of the activity.
5. Newspaper clippings featuring the project.
6. Letters of congratulations/recognition from civic and local leaders.
7. Copy of budget/expense sheet.
8. Narrative telling how the project was planned and executed and its impact on the community.
Judging is conducted solely o. The basis of the information indicated above points are awarded for each element and points are deducted for missing items. All documentation MUST be limited to one 3-ring binder. It is highly recommended that all documents, photos, newspaper articles, etc., be placed in document protectors.
The Department of Hawaii will recognize all Posts that engage in unique, extraordinary community service projects that go above and beyond what is expected. These projects will be submitted for consideration to the national VFW Special Projects Award Program. Projects must be executed and nominated within the 12 months preceding national judging. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION to the Department of Hawaii is April 1st annually.
Fred C. Hall Memorial Outstanding Post Special Project Award
Every Department’s Special Project Award winner entered will be judged at the May competition for the Fred C. Hall Memorial Outstanding Post Special Project Award. The winning Post receives a plaque at the VFW national Convention and a $1,000 service scholarship for community service projects. The Post Commander (or designated representative) and a guest will receive round-trip airfare, a cash stipend and accommodations to receive the award at the National Convention.
New Member Community Service Volunteer Award
The Department of Hawaii will recognize a ‘NEW Member Community Service Volunteer of the Year’. For this award, a new VFW member must be in good standing and a member of your Post for less than two years. (A VFW member who has been in your post for less than two years, but has been a member of the VFW for 2 or more years is not eligible for this award). Each Post is asked to nominate at least one (1) new member for this award, using an entry form to be provided. DEADLINE for submission to the Department chair of Community Service is April 1st annually.
National Outstanding Community Service Post Award
The Department of Hawaii is required to select one Post to receive the National Outstanding Community Service Post Award at the VFW National Convention. The award includes a plaque inscribed with the name of the VFW Post and Auxiliary (if applicable), a $599 stipend to cover part of the Post Representative expenses to the National Convention, publication of the Posts name in the Convention program booklet and a street sign identifying this national award for the Post to put up in their community.
The selection criteria for this award is as follows:
1. All reports of activities must be turned in on time
2. Must actively support and participate in Voice of Democracy/Patriot Pen/Teacher of the Year programs
3. Must participate in Buddy Poppy programs
4. Demonstrate an active involvement in the community
5. Must support the Commander’s Special Project (if one established) via donations.
6. Any other criteria as required by the Department Commander.
Gold Star families are composed of American parents who lost a son or daughter during their time serving our country. The Commander suggests financial contributions can be made via your Post Relief Fund. A $25 donation per Post is suggested with all donations made out to the Department of Hawaii – Gold Star.