Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts
Exploring Ventures
Daisy Scouts, Brownie Scouts
Jr. Girl Scouts, Sr. Girl Scouts
Sea Scouts
Send a copy of charter to Chair of all units you support.
Department of Hawaii: SCOUT OF THE YEAR
National-Scout of the Year
Some of our earliest ties to the
community involve youth groups and perhaps none are stronger or more lasting
than the relationship between the VFW and America's scouting organizations. In
fact, our partnership with the Boy Scouts of America dates back to 1915 when
VFW Post 2100 helped to establish Troop 1 in Everett, Washington.
The National Scout of the Year program provides members of the Boy Scouts and
Girl Scouts who display standout citizenship, patriotism and love of country
with the opportunity to be rewarded with college scholarships of up to
Before submitting your Scout of the Year application, please review the rules and eligibility requirements.
Nomination forms can be obtained from the National website or by contacting the Chairman. Submit nomination forms (one candidate per category) to the Scouting Chairman by April 1, 2024.
Post can submit one candidate per category to the Department for judging.:
Boy Scout Eagle Scout
Girl Scout Gold Award
Venturing Summit or Sea Scouts Quartermaster Award
The VFW Department of Hawaii, Scout of the Year will receive a plaque. The winner of the Girl Scout and Venturing divisions will receive a plaque. One winner will advance to the National for Judging.
Other ways you can help scouting in your community.
Host a Scouting Presentation from a district or higher scouter.
Donate to scouting i.e. Friends of Scouting (FOS), SME, Camperships, Department of Hawaii’s Scouting Program, Donations towards an Eagle project etc.
Host a scouting function, other than normal meetings (i.e. Blue & Gold, Court of Honor, appreciation dinners, etc.)
Provide volunteers provided to assist with scouting activities, other than a charter organization representative (i.e. commissioner, adult leader/ adviser, committee members, merit badge councilor, etc.) For any questions, comments, or concerns please contact:
George Barlett, Scouting Programs Chair